Be Healthy...Feel Good! Health News, Running, and Feeling Good
As I’ve mentioned before, running a marathon is a goal of mine for this upcoming spring. I’ve been running for a few years now. Running has become one of my passions and I look forward to the running my first marathon in May.
The winter has been a bit difficult. I’m not a fan of the cold weather: I’d rather run in 90 degree weather than in 30 degree weather. I’ve been reading about alternative running (and cross-training) routines, but was shocked when I came across an article in Runner’s World briefly mentioning a North & South Pole Marathon!!
Quite frankly, the North Pole is no place for anybody besides Santa, his elves, and the reindeer. Many people (I used to be one) think running a marathon is crazy…but running a marathon in the North Pole!?! Now that’s crazy!!!
As for me, I’ll stick with the (what I thought was) freezing weather here, with the option of running on a treadmill in a normal temperature.
With the cold winter, I have been looking for alternatives to running. While looking up information, I discovered water running. I have never heard about water running before today. It’s an interesting way to run.
When I first heard the term from Runner’s World, I pictured going to the swimming pool and trying to run in the kiddy pool…but I was mistaken. Water running is a low-impact way of running, involving floaters (or any object to keep you afloat) under your armpits. As you stay afloat, your legs move in a similar manner to running on the street.
AquaJogger offer a buoyancy belt to help keep you afloat, along with water shoes, water weights, and a video about water running for $89.95. I’ve never tried it, but it looks interesting.
I found an article about the benefits of water running, as well as good technique.
Cross Training
With a goal to run a marathon this upcoming spring, I’ve been trying to become well-educated on a good training routine. One strategy of a well-balanced training routine includes a cross training program. Not only is cross training beneficial for marathon runners, but also any exercise enthusiast.
An article about cross training was written by Matt Fitzgerald including the benefits of implementing a cross-training program. The following include some of these benefits: